Benchmarks: CrystalDiskMark

When testing with CrystalDiskMark the Corsair P Series 128GB again matched the performance of the OCZ Meridian. The sequential performance of the Corsair P Serial is far greater when compared to the OCZ Vertex Turbo, or whatsoever of the Indilinx Barefoot SSDs for that matter. The read performance on the other mitt favors the Indilinx Barefoot SSDs, while the Intel X25-Yard produced the all-time absolute result.

It is interesting to annotation that in this particular examination the OCZ Agility is able to match the write operation of the A-Data S592 128GB, while delivering greater read performance.

The OCZ Vertex was but slightly faster than the Agility, while the Vertex Turbo delivered significantly ameliorate read performance.

The random 512KB test mixes upwards the results quite a bit, though the Samsung based SSDs are still superior to those of the Indilinx Barefoot SSDs, at least in CrystalDiskMark anyway.

It is interesting to note that the OCZ Agility is actually faster than the A-Data S592 128GB in this test, despite utilizing slower NAND flash retentiveness. In fact, the Agility was non a great deal slower than the original Vertex bulldoze.

Once more the write performance of the OCZ Vertex Turbo was not profoundly faster than the original, while the read performance was boosted by 10MB/s, getting it upward near the Corsair P Series 128GB SSD. The Intel X25-M still dominated the "read" test, with a throughput of 199MB/s. The write operation of the Intel drive was quite soft all the same, matching the 1000.Skill Titan.

This is where most SSDs endure, small writes, and it is this examination that hurts the Samsung based SSDs. Here the write performance of the Corsair P Series 128GB is roughly half that of the A-Data S592 128GB. In fact, the read and write functioning of the Corsair P Series, and the OCZ Summit, are lower than the budget-minded OCZ Agility.

The OCZ Vertex Turbo was 3MB/s faster than the original model, every bit it reached nineteen.7MB/s write performance. Quite impressive compared to the other Indilinx Barefoot SSDs, nonetheless the Intel X25-M was more than than twice as fast, delivering 51.8MB/south.